All in one management platform for schools.
Better education needs better management. Apps for Students, Parents and Teachers.

An app unlike any other




Powerful features
Comprehensive Student Management
Track attendance, grades, and homework all in one unified platform.

Parent Engagement
Keep parents informed and involved with real-time updates and easy communication.

Teacher Empowerment
Provide teachers with tools for classroom management, grading, and professional development.

It does a lot of things
Smart Timetabling
Our intelligent scheduling system optimizes class timetables, considering teacher availability, room allocation, and subject requirements for maximum efficiency.

Performance Analytics
Track student progress with comprehensive analytics, providing insights into academic performance, attendance patterns, and areas for improvement.

Parent Portal
Keep parents informed and engaged with real-time updates on their child's progress, upcoming events, and direct communication channels with teachers.

Digital Resource Hub
Access a centralized repository of educational materials, including textbooks, worksheets, and multimedia resources for enhanced learning experiences.

What you can do with MyEducare
Powerful features
Timetable & Homework
Keep students organized with a unified platform for classes and assignments.
Learn more >Parent Communication
Schedule meetings, manage appointments, and maintain strong parent-school connections.
Learn more >Testimonials
What our users say
Maria Popescu
Suntem foarte multumiti de sistemul educare. Aplicatia este usor de folosit, informatiile se pot vizualiza in timp real si aduce un mare aport in dezvoltarea relatiei de comunicare dintre parinte-scoala-elev. Recomandam cu incredere!
Gabriel Cristea
MyEducare este un sistem de management online care permite părinților să urmărească prezența, orarul ,temele. cluburile diverse, comentariile fiecărui profesor, aprecierile și recomandările ce se impun de-a lungul anului școlar în vederea progresului individual. Mail-urile și raportul zilnic prin intermediul programului nu fac decât să ofere o gamă variată de informatii utile ceea ce conduce la o bună comunicare cu părinții și elevii. Mesajele transmise din arii diverse pot fi astfel accesate oricând și oriunde în timp real de către toți beneficiarii acestui sitem. Clasa, în condițiile actuale, reprezintă camera fiecărui elev, devenind un mediu virtual de comunicare, astfel că informațiile multiple transmise prin intermediul sistemului MyEducare facilitează interacțiunea și colaborarea profesor-elev-părinte, comunicarea din timpul orelor și din afara lor devenind mai eficientă și, totodată, extinzându-se în beneficul procesului educațional.
Anca Stanciu
Platforma myEducare este un instrument vital atat pentru stocarea informatiilor, in special in aceasta perioada dificila, cat si pentru comunicarea cu elevii si parintii lor. Pe langa functiile specifice unei platforme tip catalog virtual, precum inregistrarea absentelor, notelor, temelor, a progresului individual al elevilor, sau chiar a condicii in format virtual, echipa din spatele platformei myEducare este mereu gata sa personalizeze aplicatiile pentru a veni in intampinarea untilizatorilor. Astfel, in special in contextul scolii online, elevii si profesorii, dar si parintii, pot accesa cu usurinta aplicatiile des folosite la ore direct din platforma educare, sau pot utiliza serviciul integrat de mesagerie pentru a pastra o comunicare mai stransa. Platforma este de un real folos si inlesneste cu adevarat procesul de comunicare si invatare online.
Frequently Asked Questions
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
This platform has transformed how I manage my classroom. The grade tracking and homework management features save me hours each week.
As a school principal, MyEducare has streamlined our entire administrative process. The comprehensive dashboard is exactly what we needed.
I love being able to track my children's progress in real-time. The parent-teacher communication feature is incredibly helpful.
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!
The attendance tracking and performance analytics have made it so much easier to identify students who need additional support.
The digital resource hub is fantastic! Having all educational materials in one place has made lesson planning so much more efficient.
The financial management features have simplified our school's fee collection and budget tracking. Excellent administrative tool!